Bobby Benson Center allows the following clothes, other wearable items and hygiene products during the youth's stay. Each item is inventoried at admissions, with the client's initials written onto each item to help discourage theft and identify items if lost. Youth are strongly discouraged from sharing items with other clients. It is also strongly advised to not bring items of significant value. Items worth more than $50 should not be brought to the center.
Hygiene products should be provided throughout the youth's stay at Bobby Benson Center and it is the responsibility of the parents/legal guardians to provide these items. Additional items are often mailed/delivered in care packages as needed.
16 Tops: T-Shirts, Blouses (no mid-drift, spaghetti straps, or cleavage baring tops)
16 Bottoms: Shorts (must be fingertip length), Pants, Jeans (no low rise), Skirts (must be fingertip length)
12 pairs of underwear
10 bras (if applicable)
2 sets of sleepwear (two sets of tops and bottoms only)
2 bathing suits (no string bikinis, or men's speedos) or sets of surf shorts/rash guards
2 indoor/house slippers
2 pairs of athletic shoes
2 pairs of walking sandals/slippers
1 pair of casual shoes
10 pairs of socks
2 sweaters/jackets
1 raincoat/poncho
4 towels
Optional Items:
Caps/Hats with snap backing ​
watch (max value $20)
Jewelry (Max value of $50)
HYGIENE ITEMS: (all items must be new and unopened and can not contain alcohol in the first 3 ingredients)
Soap and/or Body Wash
Dental Floss
Mouth Wash
Hair Brush and/or Comb
Fingernail Clippers
2 Razors
4 Wash Cloths
Feminine Hygiene products (if applicable) such as: Tampons and pads.
Curling iron and/or straightening Iron (if wanted)
Hair Bands and Barrettes
Make-up, nail polish (if desired, must be able to fit into a single quart-sized plastic bag)
Please DO NOT bring any of the following items:
Anything that glorifies drugs or drug paraphernalia, gangs, violence, racism, degradation of women, hate messages, or any other items of a potentially offensive nature.
Anything that is too revealing (ie above the finger tips, reveals cleavage, spaghetti straps, skin tight, or sheer clothing, men’s Speedo bottoms and string bikinis are not allowed)
No personal speakers, MP3 players, head/ear phones, iPad/tablet, or other electronic devices
Opened or used hygiene products; or hygiene products with alcohol in the first three (3) ingredients.
Anything that could be used as a weapon: Guns, knives (including pocket knives), explosives, etc.
Non-prescribed medications, vitamins/supplements, illicit drugs, tobacco products and over the counter medications.
Personal bedding/linens, (these are provided by the center)
No pillows (each client gets a new pillow upon intake that is labeled with their initials)
Laundry soap/softeners (these are provided by the center)
Any item of significant value (above $50)
Food items or beverages of any kind (this includes snack items, candy, gum, mints, etc.)
Any items deemed inappropriate will be sent back with the legal guardian during intake (whenever possible) or will be stored in a container in the attic at the center until it can be sent home with the client on home pass or can be picked up anytime by the legal guardian.
Please note that Bobby Benson Center will not be held liable for any missing or damaged items being stored at the center.
Bobby Benson Center encourages legal guardians to send their youth care packages during their youth's stay at the center.
Care packages can include things like hygiene products, leisure time activities (journals, sketch pads, small puzzles or crosswords, colored pencils, books, etc.), pictures. You may also reach out to the therapist and ask if there is anything the youth may need or ask if something would be appropriate to send.
If clothing items are sent with care packages, a client inventory will be completed where the youth may swap out items in their closet for the new clothing (which will be assessed for appropriateness and labeled with the youth's initials), swapped out clothing will then be stored in the client's bin in the attic to be sent back with client during home passes.
Please avoid sending items of significant value in care packages or mail. Bobby Benson Center will not be held liable for any lost or damaged items.
Please DO NOT send/bring any food or beverage items. Sending any food or beverage items is prohibited (this includes candy, gum, mints, etc..) Food and beverages ARE allowed during family visits but are to be consumed only during the family visit (leftovers will NOT be stored on facility). Bobby Benson Center will not store food and beverage items for the client. Any such items will NOT be given to the client and will either be returned to the Legal Guardian or immediately disposed of.
Please note that all contents of the care package will be checked prior to the youth receiving their packages by the youth's therapist and operations for inappropriate items, contraband, or anything that maybe harmful or counter productive to the youth's treatment.
You may address all care packages to your youth's name via their therapist at:
56-660 Kamehameha Hwy.
Kahuku, HI 96731