Substance Abuse and
Dependence Continuum
Substance Abuse involves a habitual need (psychological and/or physical) for drugs or alcohol. The process of chemical dependency is a result of continual substance abuse despite negative consequences.
The chronology presented here is what we refer to as the "Dependence Continuum". It shows a teen's typical progression of drug use.
Occasional pot-smoking, glue-sniffing. Usually done weekends or during the summer, mostly with friends.
Easy to get high because of low tolerance.
Thrill of acting grown up and defying parents is part of the high.
How It Presents
Little use of "harder" drugs at this stage.

Tolerance increases with increased use. More parties involving kegs (beer) and/or pot, possibly pills, hash or methamphetamine ("ice" or "crank")
Acceptance of the idea the "everyone does it" and wanting to be in on it
Staying out later, even all night
The use of alcohol may increase
Willing to suffer hangovers
Consumption increases and pride in being able to "handle it" increases
Use on weeknights begins and skipping school may increase
Blackouts may begin and talk with friends about "What did I do last night?" occurs
Solitary use begins, even smoking at home (risk-taking increases)
Concentration on fooling parents or teachers when high
Preoccupation with use begins
The next high is carefully planned and anticipated.
The source of supply is a matter of worry.
Use during the day starts
Smoking before school to "make it through the morning"
What The World Sees
Parents become aware of use
May start a long series of 'groundings' for late hours
Drug-using friends often not introduced to parents
Lying to parents about the extent of use and use of money for drugs.
School activities are dropped especially sports
Grades will drop
Truancy increases
Non-drug-using friends are dropped. Weekend-long parties may start.
The number of times high during the week increases. Amount of money spent for drugs increases (concealing savings withdrawals from parents)
"Social use" decreases -- getting loaded rather than just high. Being high becomes normal
Buying more and using more -- all activities seem to include drug use.
Possible theft to get money to ensure a supply. There may be contact with "bigger" dealers.
Solitary use increases. User will isolate self from others using friends.
Lying about or hiding the drug supply. Stash may be concealed from friends.
What the world sees
Possible dealing or fronting for others
Possible court trouble for minor consumption or possession. May be arrested for driving while intoxicated, theft, etc. Probation may result
May try to cut down or quit to convince self that there is no problem with drugs.
Most straight friends are dropped.
Money owed for drugs may increase. More truancy and fights with parents about drug use.