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Each Client Will Be Provided: 1Bed Frame, 1 Mattress, 1 Mattress Protector, 1 Pillow, 1 Pillow Case, 1Sheet Set (1 fitted & 1 Flat), 1 Comforter, 1 Blanket, 1 Laundry Basket & Hangers, 1 Student Desk, 1 Desk Chair, 1 bookshelf & 1 Dresser. 


There are typically 2 clients per room and there are four bedroom in Cabins 1, 3, & 4. 

There are three bedrooms in Cabin 2.


Each Cabin Bedroom Has One Bathroom For 2 Clients To Share

Each Bathroom Will Be Provided With: 1 Sink/Vanity, 1 Mirror, 1 Toilet, 1 Wastepaper Basket, 1Shower/Bath, 1 Shower Rack, 1 Shower Curtain, 2 Bath Mats, Hand Soap, Toilet Paper.  Each Client is Provided with their own Towel and Wash Cloth. 


Shower Curtains, Towels, Bath Mats were all purchased using funds donated by Turtle Bay Foundation

Cabin 1 Common Area (2).jpg

Each Cabin Has A Common Area

This area is used for leisure activities such as watching movies, playing games, spending time with peers and staff, reading books, studying, etc.  The staff's desk is located in the common area and is where the staff sits to monitor the cabin.  This is also where the youth make phone calls to those on their approved contact list.  The couches are durable yet comfortable and were purchased using funds generously donated by First Hawaiian Bank.





Licensed By the Hawaii State Department of Health

Office of Health Care Assurance 

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