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About Bobby Benson Center

Bobby Benson Center is a non-profit, private corporation with a mission to serve individuals and families in Hawaii affected by substance use and co-occurring disorders.


The Center currently maintains a facility with a licensed 30-bed capacity that includes four separate residential cabins on a beautiful campus. The Center is located in Hawaiʻi on Oahu's beautiful North Shore, just minutes from pristine beaches. In this tranquil environment, teens and their families are taught the skills needed to promote a full and lasting recovery to substance abuse.



How We Deliver Care

The goal of the Bobby Benson Center is to return teens to their schools and communities with the skills to remain drug and alcohol free and to mature successfully in today's world. 

The Center offers the following services to youth between the ages of 13 and 17, with consideration of the following needs:

  • Detailed assessment of needs

  • Residential treatment

  • Linking of client to community resources to ensure a successful discharge, Ongoing aftercare support, including relapse prevention groups available to clients and their families for up to three months after discharge from BBC


Community of Recovery

With a "community of recovery" structure, the emphasis is on a holistic, team approach to therapy in a non-restrictive treatment environment. Education in life skills occurs on a 24-hour basis as the youth interact in this realistic community. Many of the things learned are subsequently transferred to the youth and also to their families.


Program expectations at the Bobby Benson Center help youth-at-risk to achieve a clean and sober lifestyle, good mental health, educational services, addiction recovery, and clinical treatment (both psychological and psychiatric).


The State of Hawaii, Department of Health, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division (ADAD) accredits the program, and the State of Hawaii, Department of Health, Office of Health Care Assurance (OHCA) licenses the facility. A CARF Three-Year Accreditation was awarded to Bobby Benson Center for Residential Treatment: Integrated: AOD/MH (Children and Adolescents).  







Licensed By the Hawaii State Department of Health

Office of Health Care Assurance 

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